Behind The Scenes Of The Summer Mummers Moviola – [PHOTOS]
I spent the afternoon with some friends from Summer Mummers, literally 'shooting' scenes for this year's moviola.
It's always great to have an excuse to get to the range; all I need is an excuse. I was provided one by some of my friends from Midland Community Theater today as we shot scenes to the moviola that will run in parts of the melodrama. I won't give away too much, but as you can see from the pictures, it got a little graphic...and smelly.
This year's show is titled, 'Desert of the Dead or mmmmm...your head looks tasty', yeah, it's a zombie movie/melodrama/moviola/lotta fun! get your tickets by going to the Summer Mummers website.
Here's a bit of Summer Mummers trivia: Did you know that during it's 3 month run, the Yucca Theater will pop and serve more popcorn than most theaters make in a year?
Thanks to Lonnie, Shiner Man, Tim and Connie for an afternoon of fun!