Veterans: Watch Out For COVID-19 Vaccine Scams Here in West Texas
Now that the next phase of the COVID-19 vaccine is ready to go and veterans are next on the list, a lot of scams are going on for veterans to watch out for.
According to NewsWest 9, veterans can visit the West Texas VA Facebook page for biweekly meetings about the COVID-19 vaccine.
"We’re seeing scammers who are calling our veterans, texting our veterans, emailing our veterans about the availability of the vaccine and how to get it quicker. VA never does anything like that," said James Douglas, West Texas VA associate director.
They are warning the West Texas veteran population to be aware of scammers.
"We here in VA have vaccine that we’re going to be able to get to all our veterans and (we're going to) vaccinate them in the proper manner. Some concerns are that some of these things that may be being offered in the outside may not be very safe for our veterans. We can validate the fact that we have Moderna vaccine and that’s going to be safe to be able to give our veterans and we don’t want them to be falling prey to things that may hurt them," Douglas said.
The VA says the scammers are offering the COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for a social security number, personal information, or banking information.
The only phone number veterans need to use to set up an appointment for the vaccine is the VA number in Big Spring at 432-268-2564, any other numbers are a scam.