Summer Mummers Announces the Postponement of Their 2020 Season
Summer Mummers is an annual tradition that has been going on for more than 60 years in Midland, but 2020 will be the first summer with out Mummers.
According to NewsWest 9, Summer Mummers is the biggest fundraiser for the Midland Community Theatre, but this year it was decided on June 2, 2020 to postpone the upcoming season.
The reason is the state has not announced it's guidelines for live shows in the wake of COVID-19, so with no guidelines on keeping the community safe at Summer Mummers, the decision was made to postpone the 2020 season.
Here is their statement:
“It is with profound sadness that the Board of Summer Mummers must postpone plans for our annual event at the Yucca Theatre. We had hoped to entertain you this summer, but the Governor has not released reopening guidelines for live performances and it is unforeseen when he will do so and/or at what capacity.”