The world is reeling following the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died at the hands of since-arrested Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on May 25. While Floyd's death sparked the nationwide protests and global outcry currently sweeping every corner of humanity, his is sadly only the latest in a long, tragic and deadly line of police brutality towards the Black community.

The fight against racial injustice and state-sanctioned systemic violence towards Black people has been raging on for centuries, only reaching a highly visible boiling point now in our age of social media and body cams. But the fight is far from over.

If you're unable to physically protest (though, if you plan to hit the streets, be sure to know your rights), don't feel lost or overwhelmed: There is plenty you can do, today, to make a tangible impact.

Below, check out five actionable ways you can make a difference right now.

  • Mario Tama/Getty Images
    Mario Tama/Getty Images

    Check your voter registration or register to vote

    The most effective way to enact the change you want to see in your community is to make your voice heard at the polls and hold your elected leaders accountable with your vote. Check your voter registration status or sign up to vote in the upcoming election by clicking here.

    It's super user-friendly and takes less than five minutes.

  • Elijah Nouvelage, Getty Images
    Elijah Nouvelage, Getty Images

    Help fund Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter isn't just a movement or hashtag—it's an actual organization and right now, it is in urgent need of donations to fund their fight.

    If you are able to, you can donate quickly and easily online here via ActBlue. Your donation will help to fund BLM campaigns to end state-sanctioned violence and white supremacy, among other Black causes.

    Learn more at

  • Brett Carlsen, Getty Images
    Brett Carlsen, Getty Images

    Sign a petition (or two, or three, or four...)

    Your worldview and signature hold power—use them to take a stand alongside others by signing your name on petitions for the causes that matter most to you.

    From the proposed Hands Up Act to hold violent law enforcement officers responsible for harming unarmed civilians to the Life Sentence for Police Brutality campaign, there are countless petitions you can sign to support the Black Lives Matter movement and racial justice.

    Here are a few we recommend:

    For a more comprehensive list of the many petitions you can get involved with, click here.

  • Brett Carlsen, Getty Images
    Brett Carlsen, Getty Images

    Donate to protestor and bail funds

    More than ever before, protestors arrested on the front lines of the fight against inequality and police brutality need your help to keep that very fight moving forward.

    You can conveniently split a donation between more than 30 crucial nationwide bail funds here, helping to provide necessary bonds to individuals who have been jailed.

    For a more individualized list of the many bail funds you can donate to, click here.

    To provide relief for and donate directly to the family of the late George Floyd, click here.

  • Alex Wong, Getty Images
    Alex Wong, Getty Images

    Support the National Police Accountability Project

    This project launched by the National Lawyers Guild helps victims and the families of victims of police brutality connect with necessary legal counsel. The nonprofit project is also dedicated to "ending law enforcement and detention office abuse of authority."

    Find out how you can support the cause through word of mouth or by making a donation here.

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