SK Arms Is Hosting Its First Ever ‘Quiet Riot’ SilencerCo Tour – [VIDEO]
SK Arms in Midland and the Midland Shooters Association will be hosting the SilencerCo 'Quiet Riot' Tour on Sunday, September 27th, for a day centered around learning about the benefits of silencers, as well as helping attendees learn the process of acquiring them.
Hollywood has done damage to the silencer (some call them 'suppressors', but both are correct) in it's portrayal of them as an assassin's tool. In reality, silencers are a beneficial SAFETY item for any firearm.
Silencers are the fastest-growing segment of the firearms market, and with their many benefits it’s easy to see why - but you don’t have to take our word for it. Bring the entire family out for a day of fun at SilencerCo’s Quiet Riot event and hear for yourself why silencers are in high demand.
Employees of both SK Arms and SilencerCo will be on hand to answer questions, provide insight, as well as setup NFA Trusts at the event. All guns and ammunition will be provided, and there will be food trucks on site. Bring the whole family out for a day of fun!
The event is open to the general public and will be centered around educating attendees about the benefits of silencers and dispelling common myths. All guns and ammunition will be provided, with product experts from SilencerCo and SK Arms Staff on hand to provide instruction and place orders.
Check out their Facebook Event Page.
You can bet I'll be out there, broadcasting live from 1-3pm!