This is Who You Contact About Your High Electric Bills
We have the place you can report your high energy bills.
According to NewsWest 9, if you were one of the many that got a shock when you got your electricity bill, we have the places you can contact to get some answers.
Gov. Abbott and other state officials say they are working on the issue with ERCOT since there have been so many reports of high energy bills.
The Texas Attorney General's website is directing people to go to the Public Utility Commission or the Office of the Public Utility Council.
The Public Utility Commission has ordered energy companies not to send out bill estimates or invoices till the investigation is completed.
The Attorney General's office says the Office of the Public Utility Council will provide representation to residential customers and small businesses.
The high energy rates are caused by signing up for a variable rate which allows the electric company to hike up the prices in high usage times and if you have signed a contract with them then you have agreed to these rate hikes.
It is advised that even though major companies like TXU or Reliant may charge a little bit more for their services, they usually do not offer variable rates and do not hike prices up at times of greater usage.
This means that even though you may get a good rate to begin with at a smaller energy company, if they want to jack the rates up and you have a signed contract with them, you might not be able to do anything about the high cost.
I have stuck with the major companies and have never seen a rate hike during high energy times like summertime and winter weather events.