Twitter Destroys Nordstrom’s Fake Mud Jeans
They really need no further explanation. Fake mud jeans are a thing now, and they'll cost you $425 if you can find them.
The problem is, Nordstrom can't keep them on store shelves. USA Today reports that the chain can't keep the Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans in stock, although no actual sales numbers have been reported. The product is described as "heavily distressed" and "rugged, Americana workwear." The caked-on mud "shows you're not afraid to get down and dirty."
Twitter is saying, "just go roll around in a pair of Walmart jeans, you fool!"
Indeed, only one or two tweeters were pro-fake mud. The rest in this list are hilariously against the idea of buying fake mud for close to $500, when you add tax. Even the highest of high-end spas wouldn't charge that for pig slop! Along the way you'll find a few other business ideas, political statements, generalizations about society and everything else you expect on Twitter. But here it's all aimed at something country fans can agree on: Fake mud jeans are silly, at best.
(Secretly wondering what the philosopher Earl Dibbles Jr. has to say on the subject.)
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Celbrities like Mike Rowe were quick to bash the new clothing item. "The Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans aren’t pants," Rowe says on Facebook. "They’re not even fashion. They’re a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic — not iconic."
Americana's Jason Isbell also commented. He seems apathetic at best:
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