ICYMI: Disguised Miley Cyrus & Jimmy Fallon Perform on NYC Subway Platform
Miley Cyrus visited The Tonight Show, so she and Jimmy Fallon figured, "Hey, we're in New York City -- why not go sing some songs underground for a while?" So they went downstairs to the Rockefeller Center subway station, set up bare-bones stage, and got right to it.
Despite the hats and sunglasses, they didn't exactly pull off the whole undercover thing (all the cameras filming them was must've been a pretty clear giveaway), but who really cares? Everyone had a good ol' time regardless.
The country-tinged performance started with the Dolly Parton classic "Jolene" then, after "revealing" themselves, Miley and Fallon moved into more familiar territory with "Party in the USA." Judging by the full-scale subway singalong that ensued, we'd say Miley oughtta do some more busking next time she's back in NYC:
Later in the show, Miley did a "Google Translate Songs" segment, starting off with Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You" which for some reason translates into "Your Body's Curves." It gets even weirder when the line "I'm in love with your body" becomes "I like that cadaver." Gross.
(And in case you needed further proof that Google Translate still has a few bugs to work out, Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell's "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" translates into "Land Forms Don't Prefer to Get High" -- which may or may not be a true statement, but we think it loses some of the song's allure.)
On The Daily Show, Trevor Noah dug into Uber's recent troubles. A recorded conversation between Uber board members Arianna Huffington and David Bonderman revealed Bonderman making a really dumb, sexist comment by interrupting Huffington suggest that if there's more than one woman on the board of directors, the meetings would have a lot more talking. "You can tell this guy works for Uber because he does not know when to shut up," Noah joked.
As you may have heard, earlier this week the Golden State Warriors defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers to win the NBA championship. People in Cleveland are, understandably, a bit down in the dumps, so on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jamie Foxx wanted to help cheer them up. His impromptu song ran through all the wonderful things Cleveland is known for, from the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame to Halle Berry to pierogis and more.
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