Dumpster Diver Finds New Bikes That Target Apparently Couldn’t Be Bothered to Donate
A dumpster-diving TikToker recently hit the trash lotto after discovering a heap of new bikes that Target seemingly threw away, and people are upset.
Over the years, dumpster diving has become a popular pastime, especially on TikTok, where content creators often unearth perfectly good products in the garbage.
However, some staggering finds leave us aghast, which is exactly what happened when a TikToker who shares content under the username @dumpster_finds discovered a pile of brand new bikes discarded in the trash behind a Target.
The find didn't sit well with the internet.
Her video has now garnered over 26,600 likes and 1,200 comments, with many in disbelief that Target would seemingly not consider donating the items instead of opting to throw them away.
However, some say that Target is just abiding by the law.
"Target won't donate because if someone gets hurt, they are liable. Something happened in the past that they got sued for something they donated," one person commented.
According to the company's policy, they do not donate merchandise.
Other comments question if the bikes might have been defective and therefore hazardous for riders.
"There's probably something wrong with them that they can't be sold or donated," one person offered.
Others say this is standard practice at many companies where surplus items are not selling. Instead, employees are asked to destroy or discard the items.
"My dad works receiving at target, and this is NOTHING!!! The stories I hear!" a third user weighed in.
Regardless, it's a disheartening sight, and most viewers are appalled by the lack of consideration considering the bikes could go to underprivileged communities. We can likely all agree that there should be better options in place for unused and unwanted items.
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