Drought Conditions Could Bring Back Water Conservation in West Texas
With the minimal amount of rainfall over the winter months, new concerns were raised by West Texas mayors as they met in Midland this week.
According to NewsWest 9, seven mayors from West Texas met this week to discuss key issues of concern to the area.
Water was the main concern with the lack of rainfall to the area over the past several months.
Lyle Larson, Texas House of Representatives District 122 says that water preaservation underground would be a good start.
He stated instead of having water in lakes being used up by evaporation to store the supply of water underground instead.
The seven area mayors that met together were in agreement with that plan.
The severe drought is not in the Midland/Odessa area yet, it has been abnormally dry, but in the next 30-45 days it could become a concern like it did in 2011.
Planning for the future while remembering the events of the past are the way to keep us from being in trouble if another drought does hit the area.