Yikes! 6 Texas Longhorns Found Mutilated Missing Their Tongues
This must be one of the most disturbing things I have read in a while, it just doesn’t make any sense as to why someone would want to do this to any animals. According to MSN, there were six cows that were found dead and mutilated along a state highway in east-central Texas. The investigation into this case is still on-going but causing more questions around this case is the fact that all six cows were found with their tongues being completely removed.
After the first cow was reported to law enforcement last Wednesday the Madison County Sheriff’s Office responded. The animal's death didn’t make sense as the togue was missing with “no blood spill” and a “straight, clean cut, with apparent precision”. After the first cow was found it didn’t take long until 5 other cows were found the same way.
The Cows Were Not All in the Same Pasture
Whoever is responsible for this horrible crime went to different pastures and different herds of cows as they were mutilating these animals. Although, no one is really sure about why anyone would do something like this. Law enforcement says there were no footprints or tire tracks in the area around any of the cows.
Police Need Your Help Finding Who is Responsible
If you have any information on who is behind killing these cows please contact the Madison County Sheriff’s Office at (936) 348-2755. Let's hope this unusual and violent crime towards animals doesn't happen again, and whoever is responsible will face the consequences of their actions.