The Famous Budweiser Clydesdales Fall at San Antonio, TX Rodeo
Ever since I was a little kid it was always a fun and special occasion when you saw the Budweiser Clydesdales. Normally it was around the holidays or big sporting event when you would see the majestic animals on television. They almost seemed like royalty the way they are cared for and always looking perfect. But visitors at the San Antonio, Texas Stock Show and Rodeo saw the Clydesdales tumble to the ground in an accident that was caught on video.
There have been videos that have been going viral online that show the horses all tangled up and you can tell they are in distress, but many people rush to help the horses and help untangle everything. As you would expect this caused a very tense few moments for everyone in attendance. The officials and trainers were quick to check the horses for any injuries.
With Animals You Just Never Know What Can Happen
The Budweiser Clydesdales are some of the most well cared for animals, they are trained, but they are still animals and sometimes they can get spooked by something and cause an unexpected reaction. No one is certain on what exactly caused the horses to get tangled up. But it’s always alarming when you hear or see anything like this.
The Good News
According to MSN, after two attempts the horse that took the worst fall during this ordeal was able to get back on their feet the rodeo crowd gave him an enormous applause. We are very happy to hear that the horses are all okay after falling at the rodeo.