A Cowboys Fan Obituary Says He Died So He Wouldn’t See the Eagles in the Super Bowl
The obituary of the Cowboys fan says he died so he would not have to see the Eagles play and eventually win in the Super Bowl.
According to his obituary, Robert Clyde Drew was a huge Cowboys fan and passed away on January 25, 2018. His obituary ran as follows:
“Robert Clyde Drew, beloved husband, father, and Papa, drew his last breath January 25, 2018, mainly, we suspect, to prevent himself from having to watch the Patriots and Eagles in the Superbowl. A loyal Cowboys fan, he died peacefully with his daughter by his side, knowing full well that Dez, did, in fact, catch the ball.”
Drew and his family lived in Wichita Falls, he was a former member of the Air Force, and worked for a Chevrolet dealership in Wichita Falls. He beat pancreatic cancer and loved sharing Taco Bell tacos with his granddaughter.
As a fellow Cowboys fan, I can understand his hatred for the rival Philadelphia Eagles since they are in our division, we have to play them twice a year, and the Philadelphia fans cheered in 1999 as Michael Irvin was driven into the turf at Veterans Stadium by linebacker Tim Hauck and lay motionless on the field for several minutes, eventually being carried off on a stretcher (to more cheers) never to return to the game of football ever again. Yes, I am a little bitter!!
Drew was laid to rest on February 1, 2018, and three days later the hated Philadelphia Eagles beat the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII, 41-33.
Please take this article with a grain of salt like it is intended, all except for my hatred of the Eagles, that s%*t is for real!!
But, in closing, once the football gods finally threw the Eagles a bone and let them win a Super Bowl, the NFC East is now the only division in the NFL where all 4 teams have won at least one Super Bowl.
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