Work Begins on Three Year Project of Rebuilding I-20 and Midkiff Overpass in Midland
The week of July 5, 2021 began the reconstruction project with TxDOT for the Midkiff and I-20 overpass which will take at least 30 months.
According to CBS 7, the reconfiguring of the I-20 and Midkiff Rd. overpass process has begun.
TxDOT says the project will demolish the current overpass and build a new overpass that will take I-20 over Midkiff Rd. instead of the current configuration.
This project will reconfigure the on and off ramps also to improve safety and make the flow of traffic better.
Improvements will also be made to the service roads and drainage at the intersection.
The construction zone will run from FM 1788 to a quarter mile east of Midkiff Rd.
This is a project long overdue with all of the accidents caused by trucks striking the bridges all along I-20 in Midland and Odessa.
When the interstate was built back in the early 1960's, Midland and Odessa were small towns with a population of just over 50,000 people each, and just starting their growth spurt that would be at one of it's peaks in the late 1970's and early 80's.
So at the time, making the roads crossing I-20 to go over the interstate was the best way to do the configuration.
Now with another growth spurt in progress, and with both cities well over 150,000 each and oilfield traffic at an all-time high for this area, it is time for a reconfiguration of the I-20 corridor.
It may take 20 years to get it done, but I think all of the overpasses going over I-20 from where Business 20 branches off on the east side of Midland to where Business 20 merges back into I-20 west of Odessa need to all be reconfigured to where no interstate traffic has to go under an overpass.

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