Time For Chicago To Surrender “Windy City” Title To Midland Odessa!
The name doesn't even come from the existence of actual WIND... Chicago's "Windy City" nickname comes from a newspaper reporter/columnist who was doing an article on a political convention coming to town, and referred to the Politicians' speeches and campaign promises as being nothing more than a bunch of "wind"... Hence the nickname "The Windy City". Yes-there is wind there being right on Lake Michigan, and they do get some lake effect weather along the downtown area... But the wind there is nothing like the CONSTANT wind here...
The wind isn't constant there like it is HERE-so I think it's time that all of us here in West Texas start our own petition to get the nickname moved from up there to down here. I mean, who Governs these kinds of things, anyway? Is there some "Nickname Agency" somewhere here in the United States that decides who gets to use a nickname for a place? I know there are copyright and service mark and trademark laws, but do those also cover city nicknames? I'm not sure if anyone up there would agree to 'play ball' with nicknames-but Midland's nickname--"Tall City" based on being the city with taller buildings than any other in West Texas in the downtown area-would really fit Chicago with all of the incredibly tall buildings in their downtown area.
It doesn't get much taller than the Willis (Sears) Tower, or the former John Hancock Center. So "Tall City" would work so much better up there. So let's propose a nickname swap and claim the one we deserve here in West Texas. There's a thin layer of dirt on every dashboard in this region just based on getting in and out of the car with this wind. It's time we get the credit we deserve. I'm off to brush the grit out of my teeth from all this blowing dirt--leave a comment below and tell us what YOU think!
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