Permian Basin

Do You Know Where The 31 Jackrabbit Statues Are Located In Odessa?
Do You Know Where The 31 Jackrabbit Statues Are Located In Odessa?
Do You Know Where The 31 Jackrabbit Statues Are Located In Odessa?
If you are new to the Permian Basin, you may not know about a few visitors, or should I say residents we have around town. My kids and I like playing a little game while driving the streets of Odessa to see who can spot the jackrabbits! It's true, there are 31, bright and colorful jackrabbit statues throughout the city of Odessa. It is our own little tourist attraction.
Tips To Help Get Your Kids Prepared for STAAR Testing In Midland-Odessa
Tips To Help Get Your Kids Prepared for STAAR Testing In Midland-Odessa
Tips To Help Get Your Kids Prepared for STAAR Testing In Midland-Odessa
'Tis the season, yes parents, it is that time of year. We have STAAR testing going on all around the Permian Basin and no matter what age or what our little ones may say, they do still get nervous and anxious about testing. I know mine do whether they let on or not. So in order to relieve their fears and help take a little pressure off of our little ones, here are some tips to help get them prepar

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