Of course, now that I think about it, we've been inundated with headlines revealing how many people are moving to Texas. Businesses are moving to Texas, too. And it is only reasonable to assume that could mean more traffic at Texas ports.
While Chicago has been dubbed 'The Windy City', it seems there are three Texas cites that are windier, according to The Weather Station Experts who released the latest results for 2023.
Here in Texas, you never know how windy it's going to be and from which direction the wind will be blowing on any given day. Many pla...
Using National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrative Data, it is possible to do a ranking of Texas cities based on annual average particulate matter concentrations (in micrograms per cubic meter). Doing so reveals that many West Texas cities are represented on the list.
Former crew members have said they have seen or felt paranormal activity. Tourists have experienced weird events as well. Let's take a look and decide for yourself.