15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On Amazon15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On AmazonMaybe you'll want to think twice before buying these items next time. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Time To Pay: Amazon to Start Charging Some Alexa Users in Coming MonthsTime To Pay: Amazon to Start Charging Some Alexa Users in Coming MonthsHere's how much it will cost and what you're getting. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Town In Texas Angry Over The Sounds Of Amazon Drones BuzzingTown In Texas Angry Over The Sounds Of Amazon Drones BuzzingSince Amazon announced drones delivering items to customers, many have enjoyed the service. Except for one part, the noise made.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Attention Texas, Your Solar Eclipse Glasses from Amazon May Not Be GoodAttention Texas, Your Solar Eclipse Glasses from Amazon May Not Be GoodWell today is the big day, the solar eclipse will be crossing over parts of Texas and many have their glasses ready to go. Turns out, you might not want to stare at the sun if you bought them from Amazon.StrykerStryker
Big-Name Grocery Store no Longer Letting You 'Just Walk Out'Big-Name Grocery Store no Longer Letting You 'Just Walk Out'The store had hoped the checkout-less technology would be a hit with customers. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Amazon Delivery Driver Has Unexpectedly Intense Reaction After Realizing He’s Being RecordedAmazon Delivery Driver Has Unexpectedly Intense Reaction After Realizing He’s Being RecordedMood.Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
Ex-Car Thief Gives Advice On Protecting Your Car From CriminalsEx-Car Thief Gives Advice On Protecting Your Car From CriminalsShe knows exactly what car thieves are looking for.ChrissyChrissy
Watch: Amazon Truck Gets Stuck Under Dallas OverpassWatch: Amazon Truck Gets Stuck Under Dallas OverpassThis would be my worst nightmare if I were a truck driver.Johnny ThrashJohnny Thrash
Amazon’s Prime Video Will Begin Showing CommercialsAmazon’s Prime Video Will Begin Showing CommercialsAds will soon be added to its programming.Cody McintoshCody Mcintosh
Eddie Murphy’s First Christmas Movies Premieres This Fall on Prime VideoEddie Murphy’s First Christmas Movies Premieres This Fall on Prime Video‘Candy Cane Lane’ is coming to Amazon’s Prime Video.ScreenCrush StaffScreenCrush Staff