Seal Coating Project Begins Today in OdessaKevin ChaseKevin ChasePublished: July 12, 2017Getty Images/iStockphotoShare on FacebookShare on TwitterDrivers beware in Odessa as seal coating projects for some streets in Odessa begins today (7/12/17).According to NewsWest 9, the streets involved in the seal coat are as follows:Tanglewood Lane from 42nd Street to Esmond DriveSeventh Street from Royalty Avenue to Grandview AvenueMurphy Street from Meadow Avenue to Interstate 20Murphy Street south of Interstate 20 to the City limitOIDC Drive south of Interstate 20 to the City limitGolder Avenue from Seventh Street to Second StreetHarless Avenue from Second Street to 16th StreetSeal coating could last a couple of weeks so beware of driving in those areas.
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