Permian Basin Seeing a Shortage of Truck Drivers
If you are looking for a job, you could be a truck driver.
According to NewsWest 9, the oil & gas industry relies on truck drivers to get anything related to the oil industry to and from its destinations.
"When it went down, as well as COVID-19 hitting at the same time, people had to make ends meet," said Elizabeth Torres, Office Manager, Emmanuel's Trucking Resources.
Drivers left the industry to get other jobs which is very unusual for the oil & gas industry.
"The issue of trucking shortage isn't frankly new, it's been compounded more recently by the fact that you have a circumstance of employment across the country where it's just difficult to find folks that are willing to get into a truck and into trucking. We're competing with a lot of different sectors that are all going very good right now," said John Esparza, President of the Texas Trucking Association.
Emmanuel's Trucking Resources is offering incentives to get truck drivers like weekends off and reasonable hours so people can be with their families more.
"While the shortage is concerning for everyone involved, you have to think if you're a qualified truck driver or a qualified truck technician, there's a market for you and it's improving for you, so you can make six figures in this industry very easily, with only a few years of experience," Esparza said.
So if you are needing a job and don't mind being on call, Emmanuel's Trucking Resources could be the best place to get a job, and it will help out a family company struggling to keep people in an industry that is not used to not having enough truck drivers to keep the industry going.