Odessa voters will be heading to the polls to decide whether or not to build a new high school on the city's east side.

According to CBS 7, Odessa voters will head to the polls on May 7th to choose if they want a new high school built or not.

The ECISD bond will have a price tag of $400 million which will be put toward the new high school, increased funding for maintenance in the district, and a new career center.

Some residents have voiced opinions that a new high school on the east side near the Parks Bell Ranch area will not serve the entire community.

“I would say the [high] school needs to be more central to Odessa, maybe north Andrews Highway or even West Odessa,” said Jamie Foreman, manager of Odessa’s Accountability Project. “We’ve got 50,000 people in West Odessa. Why are we not building out there?”

Residents that support the bond say there is a good reason for the east side location, one being that ECISD owns the land near Parks Bell Ranch and it is the fastest-growing part of Odessa.

But other issues have been brought up with the bond, like the $130 million the bond is providing for school maintenance.

“We have very old buildings in Ector County,” said Lorraine Perryman, Co-Chair of Odessans for Education. “The average age of a school building is 51 years of age. It takes a lot more money to take care of an old facility than a new facility.”

So make your decision and head to the polls on May 7th, or cast your vote early at the Ector County Courthouse Annex on 8th St. April 25-May 3.



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