Odessa Police Warn About Credit Card Skimmers in the Area
Odessa Police Department wants the public to know about credit card skimmers found at a local gas station.
According to NewsWest 9, multiple devices were found at a gas station located at 1515 S. Grandview.
Skimmers read the information on the card's magnetic strip which will reveal the name on the card and the PIN.
If you have visited that gas station in the past week, OPD is advising you to check your accounts and make sure all is good and to have that card disabled and a new card issued to you.
Also be on the lookout on your accounts for unauthorized transactions.
If you have any information about the skimmer devices, OPD is asking you to call Odessa Crimestoppers and leave an anonymous tip at 432-333-TIPS.
I have never had anything like this happen to me but I have heard you can sometimes see a reader in the card swipe if you look carefully.
If it is a place that you frequent, it will be easier to notice that something is off with the card swipe.
This kind of high tech theft is the easiest way for tech smart criminals to get your information and if you are like me, you don't always pay attention to everything you swipe your card through but this is a good way to make you start paying attention.
So once again, be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to the card swipers ,and if anything is off then it is best to just go somewhere else, but do let the store know that you think they might have one of these devices on their machines.

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