New Road Projects Planned in Preparation For West Texas Bass Pro Shop
With the plan in place to get Bass Pro Shop to anchor an entertainment complex at the corner of Hwy 191 and Hwy 158, the Midland Development Corporation has approved two road projects in the area around the planned complex.
Development is ramping up in that area and new development means roads need to be able to handle the traffic.
“There’s so much development going in that area there’s new multi-family housing, there’s new single-family housing and two lanes just doesn’t handle the traffic capacity that’s going in because of all that growth,” said MDC Executive Director Sara Harris.
The first goal is to get Hwy 158 between Sinclair and Briarwood widened to help with traffic to and from the new residential areas and the new entertainment complex.
The second goal is to add medians to the intersection of 191 and 158.
“The intersection of 158 and 191 Bass Pro Shops is going in along with a family entertainment complex. We want to make sure as much as possible we can anticipate where growth is gonna happen and put things in place that will help the roads and infrastructure be there when they’re needed,” said Harris.
The time the project will take depends on when funding is identified through TXDOT.
“With TXDOT, if designs are shovel ready there is the potential that funding for construction can be accelerated so that’s our strategy in terms of providing funding for the design,” said Harris.
Major growth is expected in the area so the quicker this project gets done the better.