A national radio host is not winning over fans in the panhandle of Texas following her comments on the wildfires in that area.

According to NewsWest 9, the radio host is Ashley Till featured on Sirius XM's channel 'The Highway' and made a joke about the wildfires in the panhandle of Texas being a "barbecue for everyone."

The wildfires have killed four people and have destroyed many acres of land in the area around Perryton.

The comment was quickly spread on social media by Texas Panhandle residents that have suffered loss because of the fire.

She posted a public apology on her own blogsite after the story was shared many times on social media.

The issue got even more publicity after a post was shared from her timeline that stated "to everyone who gets their panties in a bunch over nothing... Happy National Get Over it Day."

Till said that the post was not meant for her on-air comments on the fire and were in regard to something else and that it was just bad timing.

Naturally, not many are accepting her explanation or apology.


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