Midland’s Regal Theater Stadium Gets Alcohol Permit
After months of waiting, Regal Tall City Stadium gets its alcohol permit.
According to NewsWest 9, the original proposal was made back in 2016 but was not approved, and after some changes to the original proposal, the request was granted on Tuesday April 10, 2018.
The new theater rules state only one drink at a time, translucent cups, and a larger menu.
The changes to the original proposal that got the approval were that the venue would end alcohol sales at 11 p.m. rather than what was stated in the original proposal of 2 a.m.
The other change was that customers would be held to a one drink at a time limit, and the theater would expand it's menu to include more substantial food items such as hot dogs and burgers.
The theater was turned down after two readings of the original proposal back in 2016 so they added the changes to get the approval that they received Tuesday.
There was no mention of when the alcohol sales and expanded food menu would begin at the theater, but I assume it will be soon.