Midland Vet Center Will Hold Walk to Raise Awareness and Prevent Veteran Suicide
Permian Basin Military Partners Coalition and the Midland Vet Center are joining forces to prevent and raise awareness of veteran suicide.
According to NewsWest 9, the walk will be this Friday, September 28, 2018 and will begin at the Chris Kyle Monument near the VA Outpatient Clinic and run on the track around the clinic.
It is estimated that 20 veterans a day commit suicide nationwide. The event is being held to show support to veterans struggling with suicidal thoughts and honor those who lost the battle.
The Midland Vet Center on Midland Drive provides counseling to veterans and active duty service members along with their family members.
For information on all the services provided by the Midland Vet Center you can find their profile on the Vets.gov website.
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