Mass Vaccination Sites Set Up in Midland and Odessa
Odessa has Ratliff Stadium set up as their mass vaccination site and now it has been announced that the Midland County Horseshoe Arena will be the mass vaccination site in Midland.
According to NewsWest 9, Phase 1A and 1B individuals can plan on lining up January 25, 2021 to get their vaccine at the Horseshoe Arena in Midland, while Odessa will begin their mass vaccination site on January 20, 2021 at Ratliff Stadium.
The Midland Unified Command Team will be the ones running the operation and vaccinations will be done by appointment only.
If you are in phase 1A & 1B and have not had COVID-19 in the past 90 days, you are eligible to get an appointment set up by going to the Midland Health website.
Once you get on the waiting list, you will get e-mail or text confirmation with appointment time and all information needed.
If you are qualified for Phase 1A or 1B and sign up, your name will be removed and you will have to re-apply once the phase you are included in comes up.
You must complete all forms online that will be sent once you have a confirmed appointment.
If you do not complete all the forms online prior to your appointment, this could delay getting your vaccine.
You need to arrive on time, have a valid picture ID, have on a short sleeve or sleeveless shirt, and if you have to wear a jacket cause it is January in West Texas, please make sure it is easy to remove.