Mask Mandate Rejected By Midland City Council
Wearing a mask in Midland, for now, is up to each individual.
According to NewsWest 9, the mask ordinance was voted down by Midland City Council by a 6-1 vote.
The one vote for a mask mandate was council member Michael Trost.
Mayor Patrick Payton put the item on the agenda yet ended up voting against it.
"We’re all trying to do everything we can possibly do," Mayor Payton said. "We’re having all the possible discussions we can have and get to solutions together, today just elevates what we are facing.”
Members of the medical community were not expecting the outcome to be different.
“I think expectations were pretty minimal for this," said Russell Meyers, CEO of Midland Health. "So I don’t think it’ll be a terrible blow to morale."
City Council will meet again on Monday to decide on options other than what was presented the first time.