Lee High School Rebranding to Legacy High School Will Be in Place by Next School Year
The Class of 2021 will be the last class to graduate from Robert E. Lee High School in Midland as the rebranding of Lee to Legacy High School will take place over the summer.
According to the Midland Reporter-Telegram, the school board approved the name change back in October at an estimated cost of $1.797 million for both the main high school and the freshman high school rebranding.
Next school year "Legacy" will replace "Lee" but so far the cost is about 80% of the original estimated cost from October coming in now at about $1.447 million.
Midland ISD stated in a press release on Friday about the changes:
“Work is also underway to refresh everything from floors and walls to uniforms,” stated the press release. “Each project is listed on the Midland ISD website along with its cost and status."
Football uniforms will cost an estimated $238,000 but overall the athletics department will cost about $610,000 for the change.
Facility costs will be about $257,000 for carpet and floor replacing along with $40,000 to refinish the floor in the gym and $258,500 for other changes to the gym.
Rebels will remain the mascot of the school with a change to Revolutionary War era Rebels instead of the Confederate era Rebels.
Students were given the option to submit ideas and drawings for the new Revolutionary War Rebels image in January and out of the 16 submissions, the Citizens Renaming Committee has the choices down to two.
“The next step is taking the inspiration of the paper and pencil drawings to create digital designs which can be used anywhere a logo is needed,” MISD wrote in their press release. “Students' vote will determine the final design.”