A man on Reddit is refusing to remove a meaningful tattoo related to an ex, despite his current girlfriend insisting.

"My girlfriend and I have been together for two years. I only have one tattoo. I got it when I was 19, and it was given to me by my ex-girlfriend. The tattoo, while it’s not directly about or 'for' my ex, was tattooed on me by her. It’s a small, minimal tattoo," he began.

"My ex and I never broke up. She died unexpectedly in an accident when I was 21. I haven’t been in a serious relationship until the one I’m in now, because I’ve taken time to overcome the loss and all the associated trauma," he continued.

The man explained his tattoo "extends beyond the relationship I had with my ex."

"I’ve tried to explain that to my girlfriend, but her thinking is black and white: 'If you’re over her, just get it removed. Can’t you do this for me? Don’t you want to move on?' It means you’re stuck in the past," he concluded.

READ MORE: Man Grapples with Decision to Stay or Leave Sick Girlfriend

Users in the comments section sided with the man.

"That girl isn't your ex. She's your late girlfriend and she deserves to be treated as such. You should feel no shame in keeping a tattoo that pays tribute to her," one person wrote.

"Why is she jealous of something that is not with us anymore? That tattoo holds a memory, and it looks like she is more stuck in the past than you for dwelling on this," another added.

"Tattoos are like permanent journal entries; they mark significant moments and feelings. It’s okay to cherish the memory without it meaning you're stuck in the past. Maybe explain it to your girlfriend like it's a piece of art that means a lot because of the time it represents, not just the person," someone else wrote.

"She's being ridiculously immature to keep badgering you about this. It's a red flag," another chimed in.

25 Celebrities Who Had Tattoo Regret

Celebrities all have different ways of dealing with their regrettable tattoos — from expensive removal procedures to covering up with more ink... or even just living with their mistake(s) and dealing with the consequences.

Discover 25 tattoo regrets, cover-ups and removals, below.

Gallery Credit: Jacklyn Krol