Governor Greg Abbott announces plans to help out sexual assault victims and victims of human sex trafficking in Texas.

According to, one way is to have a "Do Not Hire" List for teachers who have been convicted of inappropriate behavior with a student.

The registry would prevent anyone who has had inappropriate contact with a minor from getting a job as a "teacher, librarian, educational aide, administrator, counselor, school nurse/medical aide or any other position with direct, unsupervised contact with students."

Lawmakers have tried in the past to get legislation that would prevent inappropriate teacher-student relationships from happening but failed to get a "Do Not Hire" List to pass because of the expensive price tag.

The Texas Education Agency says 302 claims of inappropriate relationships were reported last school year and only 222 claims in the previous school year.

That increase is what has prompted the governor to push for a "Do Not Hire" List to be introduced in the next legislative session.

To see the full plan that the governor is proposing, you can find it on Gov. Greg Abbott's website.

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