Solo: A Star Wars Story has the unenviable task of believably creating a younger version of one of the most famous movie characters in the world. It stands to reason that the character’s original creator, George Lucas himself, would be invited to the set to make a few tweaks, if necessary. Director Ron Howard relayed a story from the set in which Lucas had one very specific character note in one particular scene that only someone who knew Han Solo inside and out could have thought of.

There’s one small moment in Solo between Alden Ehrenreich’s Han and Emilia Clarke’s Qi’ra, in which Qi’ra is in Lando Calrissian’s closet on the Millennium Falcon trying on one of his many, many capes. There’s a beat when Han takes a cape off Qi’ra’s shoulders and hangs it back up, and Lucas had to step in and correct this huge error, Howard told Variety.

He said, ‘You know, Han wouldn’t bother to hang it up.’ And then he sort of did it. George became Han Solo for a second. The body language was there and the attitude. Not only was it a nice accent on the scene, but it was also a reminder that George created this character and really understood him. He was so reluctant [to offer his opinion], and yet the choice was so right that it was fun to use it.

How amazing would it be to see George Lucas become one of his most iconic characters, even just for a second? It’s the little things like that that help recreate a character that so many people already know and love, and it’s cool that Lucas was able to jump in and offer a little bit of advice.

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters May 25.

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