Facebook Group Called ‘Masks in Midland’ is Pointing Out Businesses That Are Compliant With State Mask Mandate
Since Midland City Council cannot get behind the governor's mask mandate, a Facebook group is making sure they hold businesses accountable.
According to NewsWest 9, Heather Bredimus is the person behind the Facebook group and decided to start it when she could not find a restaurant that was following the state mandate and when city council had decided not to enforce it.
"My husband and I both spoke at the city council meetings hoping for a mask mandate but when we realized that our city wasn't going to do that, we realized that the community was going to have to work together and find places that are following the CDC guidelines," said Bredimus.
She said the page was just to encourage businesses to follow safety guidelines to keep the economy going and urges everyone to follow the page and submit pictures of restaurants and businesses that are in compliance.
"Take a picture of business that you enter that have a sign on the door stating that customers and employees are required to wear masks or if they've limited their occupancy and post it on the Facebook group so we know where to go," explained Bredimus.
The Facebook group was started in honor of front line workers.
"My husband is the chief nursing officer at the hospital and many of my friends are nurses there and I know how important it is to keep our community healthy," said Bredimus. "Because the hospital is kind of at the brink right now, the beds are filling up and pretty soon we're not going to have the resources that our city needs."
The Facebook group wants to be a place for citizens of Midland to go to find places to shop and eat where they know those employees and other customers will be wearing masks.
The only way we are going to get through this pandemic is to follow the guidelines set up by the the state, so wear the damn mask!!

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