Explore the Fascinating Branch Davidian Compound in Waco
Did you know that you can visit the location of the Waco siege from 1993? With the passing of the 30 year anniversary since that 51 day standoff at the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, it's not surprising that many are interested in seeing what the compound looks like these days for themselves.
According to my friend, there's only two reasons to visit Waco: the Dr. Pepper museum and the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame. Well, now you can add another thing to your list; the Mount Carmel Center, AKA the Branch Davidian Compound.
Located at 1781 Double EE Ranch Road in Waco, the property lies at the end of a long gravel road- and while it is a monument to those who died in the 51 day standoff, it's also kind of considered private property. That means that if the gate is closed, there is no entry that day.
Once you're inside, you won't see the original building from the days of David Koresh, it all burned down, but there are several monuments in place to honor the victims.
I couldn't find anywhere that said there was entrance fee, but one article does say that there is a donation box that suggests $10 per car.

Among true crime fans there has always been an interest in the Branch Davidians, and now those same fans can pay a visit to the actual scene of the crime. Is it weird? Most definitely, but that hasn't stopped many people from visiting and sharing with us how it looks.
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