City of Odessa Receives No Bids For Paving on University Blvd Widening Project
The University Blvd Widening Project continues despite the fact that no one has put in a bid on the paving of the road.
According to CBS 7, the first step of the project happened back in December 2017 when the city approved a $2 million contract to clear out the 72 properties along the road so they could begin the widening.
The deadline for getting a bid in for the paving of the roadway was Tuesday, August 28, 2018 which is the next step in the project.
Since no bids were received by the director of public works, the completion date could possibly be pushed back from the original date in the summer of 2020.
Officials claim that there are a lot of projects going on around the area and that the bid may be put in late because of those other ongoing projects.
The City of Odessa will issue another request for proposals on the paving contract again in the next several months.