Cans For Kids Food Drive Hoping to Beat Last Year’s Numbers
ECISD and the West Texas Food Bank are getting together for the 2018 Cans For Kids Food Drive beginning April 17 and running through April 27 and they hope to increase the number of cans they got last year.
According to NewsWest 9, Libby Campbell, Executive Director of the West Texas Food Bank said, “Cans for Kids is one of my favorite food drives for the West Texas Food Bank. We are always excited when kids turn out to help other kids. We know 40% of the clients the Food Bank serves are under the age of 18, and it warms my heart to see the kiddos so willing to help their friends who may be suffering from hunger.”
The food drive begins at Reagan Elementary today (April 17, 2018).
Last year students of all of ECISD's campuses raised over $920 in monetary donations and over 31,000 lbs. of food for the West Texas Food Bank.
All ECISD campuses participate by collecting as many canned goods and non-perishable food items that they can. The winning campus will be recognized after all the donations have been tallied after the completion date of April 27, 2018.