When you combine actors like Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Jared Leto and Robin Wright with Dennis Villaneuve's visuals and that trademark Vangelis score, you know Blade Runner 2049 is a masterpiece in the making.

The second official trailer for Blade Runner 2049 opens up a bit more about the potential plot and personalities the new cast members are bringing to the sequel 35 years in the making. Previous footage and details have shown us Gosling's Officer K in search of Ford's Deckard, but we didn't really know much more about the mysterious beautiful girl, the mysterious killer girl, Jared Leto's character or what any of them had to do with one another.

After checking out this footage, it's a bit more clear how all the characters relate to one another, and why Deckard has been in hiding out in the orange dust farm. Leto's clearly got some kind of motivations to help Replicants evolve beyond the slave labor force, but he needs Gosling for some reason. Thankfully this trailer doesn't spoil all the goods, as so many trailers today do, but gives us just enough to have a better understanding of all the pieces in Blade Runner 2049's puzzle.

You just can't beat some of these visuals though. Villaneuve showed with his first two features, Prisoners and Arrival, that he has a deft eye for finding the truth in fiction, and the beauty in science. There's little doubt after two trailers that Blade Runner 2049 won't live up to the visual standards set by Ridley Scott's original 1982 film. Maybe it's the Vangelis soundtrack playing in the background, but this might be the most convincing sequel to a 35 year-old movie we've ever seen. That's no small feat, but one we're eager to see attempted in full when Blade Runner 2049 arrives on October 6, 2017.

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