A TV station was sent footage of a pair of animals having fun getting to know each other that is something out of an old Disney movie!

CUTENESS OVERLOAD: A little something to cheer up your Tuesday night. This was taken in Estes Park. What an adorable friendship. (Video:Steve and Vicky Johnsen)

Posted by KOAA 5 on Tuesday, August 11, 2015


KOAA 5 out of Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Woodland Park, Canon City, and all of Southern Colorado, up loaded the video to their Facebook page Tuesday evening.

CUTENESS OVERLOAD: A little something to cheer up your Tuesday night. This was taken in Estes Park. What an adorable friendship. (Video:Steve and Vicky Johnsen)

The video shows a young dear and a rabbit cautiously getting to know each other on a summer's day.

Enjoy the cutest thing you are bound to see today!

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