With 'Fantasia's Confidential Ghetto,' P.M. Dawn's Prince Be covered Prince, Talking Heads and Harry Nilsson in an attempt to figure out his place in the universe.
Prince Challenges the Value of ‘$': 365 Prince Songs in a Year
Compatibility in the bedroom can be a tricky matter for anybody in a romantic relationship – even Prince, if the lyrics of "Blue Light" are to be believed.
Prince Proves He’s ‘Willing and Able’ to Make Big Changes: 365 Prince Songs in a Year
After producing himself for 37 straight studio albums, Prince opened up to deeper musical collaboration on 'Hit N Run Phase One' – with some exciting results.
‘1999’ Turns 35: 10 Facts About Prince’s Joyous Apocalyptic Masterpiece
Over the years, no single song – with the undeniable exception of "Purple Rain" – has done more to introduce or define Prince to the world than "1999."
Prince and the Time Give Birth to Musical Twins: 365 Prince Songs in a Year