Angelina Jolie Warns Against Dangers of Trump’s Immigration Ban in Op-Ed
Angelina Jolie wrote a blistering op-ed for The New York Times in which she offers a measured, thoughtful argument opposing Donald Trump's recent immigration ban, which targets citizens and refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries and bars them from entering the United States.
While Jolie agrees it’s “justifiable that we consider how best to secure our borders,” she also recognizes “our response must be measured and should be based on facts, not fear.”
Jolie then goes into the actual mechanics behind refugee screening, saying the process is far more involved and intense than some may think.
"Refugees are in fact subject to the highest level of screening of any category of traveler to the United States,” she wrote. "This includes months of interviews, and security checks carried out by the F.B.I., the National Counterterrorism Center, the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department.”
And, after making the point that those who are “most vulnerable” get picked for resettlement — specifically “survivors of torture, and women and children at risk or who might not survive without urgent, specialized medical assistance” — Jolie notes, “only a minuscule fraction — less than 1 percent — of all refugees in the world are ever resettled in the United States or any other country."
Finally, Jolie warns that the immigration ban could not only weaken bonds between the United States and countries all over the world but could potentially “fuel extremism abroad,” as well.
Read Angelina Jolie's full op-ed over at The New York Times.
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