An Odessa Gym Opened Last Friday Even Though They Are Not on the State Reopening List
Gyms and salons are not set to reopen until possibly in phase two of the state reopening plan from Gov. Abbott maybe around May 18, but one Odessa gym is reopening since there is no set date yet for gyms to reopen.
According to NewsWest 9, Anytime Fitness decided to open up on Friday even though they were not on the list of businesses that could reopen on May 1.
"With the lock down being indefinite, it’s hard to try and keep going forward thinking we could just wait it out, wait it out without some kind of reassurance that we have a date that we can reopen," said Clint Gillispie, owner of Anytime Fitness.
"According to the governor, gyms are not allowed to open. So we will be reviewing the situation. I know some of the DPS has been writing tickets in certain areas so we'll have to see how it goes. They are not supposed to be open," Odessa Mayor David Turner said.
Anytime Fitness plans to take the necessary precautions such as vigorously sanitizing the workout equipment, limiting occupancy, and social distancing.
"We will be trying to or we will be following the governor’s recommendation of 25% capacity based on our fire code. We’re almost never over that even at the busiest times of the year," Gillispie said.
No word on whether any citations will be written by DPS or City of Odessa.