10 Things You Don’t Know About Gwen In The Morning
I have been on the radio for 17 years and all of you who have been around probably know a lot about me. Even after 17 years there are probably at least one of the 10 you did not know.
1. I was not born in Seminole. Everyone thinks because I grew up there, I was born there. I was actually born in Fort Stockton. I lived there until I was four. My mom and I moved to Seminole when my parents divorced.
2. My middle name is Ladean. My mother's name is Ladeana, which is combo of my grandparents names Lanora and Dean.
3. As a child I used to get a Cabage Patch kid for my birthday and Christmas. I even have a set of preemie twins.
4. I have never been to two major cities in Texas, El Paso or Corpus Christi.
5. I am a beauty queen. When I was four I won the "Little Miss Tiny Tot" contest at the Water Carnival in Fort Stockton, an event they have every year.
6. Although I do love Kenny Chesney, Reba is my all time favorite artist. I have seen her 8 times. Nine times if you count the show I'm going to in December.
7. Most of you know that I don't like bacon, but did you know I don't like olives, mushrooms or coconut.
8. My first car was my mom's Pontiac Grand Am. It was a silver four door, that I named Katy. My first car's name was Katy.
9. I have no tattoos.
10.My first dogs' names were Sassy and Bojangles. Sassy was a Pekinese that lived to be 15. Bojangles was a lab that we ended up giving away when we moved.
Here is an extra: I had a mullet from second to fourth grade, my mom thought it was a good idea. She also kept my hair cut short. I didn't have longer hair until high school. And, no you will never see pictures!
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